Ultimate DOM Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate DOM Cheat Sheet, jam-packed with essential tips and tricks, will revolutionize your web development journey.


Ultimate DOM Cheat Sheet

Accessing Elements

In order to update a page, we need to find or select those elements that we want to update. Here are some methods:

  • getElementById(id):

    Selects an individual element within a document using a specific id. This method returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value.

    Example: document.getElementById("header");

  • querySelector(selector):

    Uses a CSS selector to select the first matching element within a document. This method returns the first element that matches the specified selector.

    Example: document.querySelector(".main-content");

  • getElementsByClassName(className):

    Allows you to select all elements with a given class attribute. This method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the specified class name.

    Example: document.getElementsByClassName("item");

  • getElementsByTagName(tagName):

    Locates all elements that match a given tag name. This method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the specified tag name.

    Example: document.getElementsByTagName("p");

  • querySelectorAll(selector):

    Uses a CSS selector to select one or more elements. This method returns a static NodeList of all elements that match the specified selector.

    Example: document.querySelectorAll("div > p");

Traversing the DOM

The process of selecting another element based on its relationship to a previously selected element:

  • parentNode:

    Locates the parent element of an initial selection. This property returns the parent node of the specified node.

    Example: element.parentNode;

  • previousSibling:

    Finds the previous sibling of a selected element. This property returns the previous sibling node of the specified node.

    Example: element.previousSibling;

  • nextSibling:

    Finds the next sibling of a selected element. This property returns the next sibling node of the specified node.

    Example: element.nextSibling;

  • firstChild:

    Finds the first child of a selected element. This property returns the first child node of the specified node.

    Example: element.firstChild;

Accessing & Updating Content

The innerHTML and textContent properties can be used to access or update content:

  • innerHTML:

    Get or set the HTML content of an element. This property returns the HTML content inside an element as a string.

    Example: element.innerHTML = "<p>Hello, World!</p>";

  • textContent:

    Get or set the text content of an element. This property returns the text content inside an element as a string.

    Example: element.textContent = "Hello, World!";

Modify Element

  • style:

    Used to modify the style of the element. The style property returns the inline styles of an element and allows you to set CSS properties directly on an element.

    Example: button.style.color = "#000000";

  • className:

    Change the value of the class attribute for an element. This property gets and sets the value of the class attribute of the specified element.

    Example: element.className = "new-class";

  • setAttribute(name, value):

    Sets an attribute of an element. This method adds the specified attribute to an element and gives it the specified value.

    Example: element.setAttribute("data-id", "12345");

  • removeAttribute(name):

    Removes an attribute from an element. This method removes the specified attribute from an element.

    Example: element.removeAttribute("data-id");

Modify Element Class

  • classList.add(className):

    Adds a class to the element. This method adds the specified class value to the element if it is not already present.

    Example: button.classList.add("cn");

  • classList.remove(className):

    Removes a class from the element. This method removes the specified class value from the element if it is present.

    Example: button.classList.remove("cn");

  • classList.toggle(className):

    Toggles a class on the element. This method adds the specified class value to the element if it is not present and removes it if it is present.

    Example: button.classList.toggle("cn");

  • classList.contains(className):

    Checks if the element contains a class. This method returns true if the element contains the specified class value and false otherwise.

    Example: button.classList.contains("cn");

  • classList.replace(oldClass, newClass):

    Replaces an existing class with a new one. This method removes the specified old class value and adds the specified new class value to the element.

    Example: button.classList.replace("old", "new");

Adding Content

To add new elements to the page, there's 3 steps:

  1. Create a new list item and store it in a variable. var newListItem = document.createElement("li");
  2. Update the text content of the list item. newListItem.textContent = "Popcorn";
  3. Add the list item as a child of the <ul>. document.querySelector("ul").appendChild(newListItem);


There are a load of events that can trigger a function. Here's a few of them:

  • click:

    When a button is pressed and released on a single element. This event is triggered when an element is clicked.

    Example: button.addEventListener("click", function() { alert("Button clicked!"); });

  • keydown:

    When the user first presses a key on the keyboard. This event is triggered when a key is pressed down.

    Example: document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { console.log("Key pressed:", event.key); });

  • keyup:

    When the user releases a key on the keyboard. This event is triggered when a key is released.

    Example: document.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { console.log("Key released:", event.key); });

  • focus:

    When the element has received focus. This event is triggered when an element gains focus.

    Example: input.addEventListener("focus", function() { console.log("Input focused!"); });

  • blur:

    When an element loses focus. This event is triggered when an element loses focus.

    Example: input.addEventListener("blur", function() { console.log("Input lost focus!"); });

  • submit:

    When the user submits a form. This event is triggered when a form is submitted.

    Example: form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); console.log("Form submitted!"); });

  • load:

    When the page has finished loading. This event is triggered when the entire page (including all dependent resources such as stylesheets and images) has loaded.

    Example: window.addEventListener("load", function() { console.log("Page fully loaded!"); });

  • resize:

    When the browser window has been resized. This event is triggered when the browser window is resized.

    Example: window.addEventListener("resize", function() { console.log("Window resized!"); });

  • scroll:

    When the user scrolls up or down on the page. This event is triggered when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled.

    Example: window.addEventListener("scroll", function() { console.log("Page scrolled!"); });

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