Top 10 Useful Node JS Modules

Top 10 Node.js modules that significantly boost productivity and functionality in server-side JavaScript applications.


Top 10 Useful Node JS Modules.


Axios is a promised-based HTTP client that simplifies making HTTP requests from the node.JS. It supports features like request response interception, handling of request response headers and automatic serialization of request data


Express is a fast and minimalist web framework for node JS. It provides a robust set of features for building web applications and APIs, including routing, middleware support, template engines and error handling.


Joi is a powerful data validation library for node JS. It allows you to define schemas and validate data against those schemas. Joi provides a declarative way to express validation rules for objects, strings, number and more. is a real-time bidirectional communication library that enables eventbased communication between the server and clients. It works over web socket protocol but provides fallback options for environments where web socket is not available.


Async is a utility module that simplify handling asynchronous operations in node JS. It provides function for managing control flow such as series, parallel, waterfall and each making it easier to handle asynchronous tasks and avoid callback hell.


Nodemailer is a module that sends emails from nodeJS. It supports various transport methods like SMPT, sendmail and others. Nodemailer simplifies the process of sending emails by providing a convenient API to send emails, attach files, handle email templates, and work with HTML.


Passport is an authentication middleware for nodeJs. It provides a flexible and modular approach to handle user authentication in application. Passport support various data authentication strategies such as local username/password, OAuth, and OpenID.


Mongoose is an object-document mapper for MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It provides a schema-based solution for modelling and interacting with MongoDB documents using Javascript objects.


Lodash is a utility library that provides helpful functions for working with arrays, object, strings and more. It offers a wide range of functions such map, filter, reduce and debounce which simplify common programming tasks and improve readability.


Moment is a popular library for handling, parsing, manipulating and formatting dates and times in JavaScript. It offers comprehensive functionalities, including parsing and formatting dates, performing calculations, manipulating time zones, and working with different locals.

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