The Official Roadmap of React

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The Official Roadmap of React

The Prerequisites

Learning React is a great choice for Frontend Developers due to its large community and popularity in the industry. However, React is not a technology for absolute beginners. Here's what you will need to know before diving into React:

Basic HTML

  • Common Tags
  • Attributes
  • File Structure

Explanation: HTML is the foundation of web development. You should know how to use common tags like <div>, <p>, and <a>, understand how to use attributes to add additional information to tags, and understand the basic structure of an HTML file.

Basic CSS

  • Applying Styles
  • Flexbox Layouts
  • Media Queries

Explanation: CSS is used to style your HTML content. You need to know how to apply styles to HTML elements, use Flexbox for layout design, and apply media queries for responsive design.

Good Knowledge of JavaScript (ES6)

  • Variables (let, const)
  • Loops & Conditionals
  • Arrow Functions
  • Arrays, Objects
  • Imports and Exports

Explanation: JavaScript is essential for React. Understanding ES6 syntax is crucial. You should be comfortable with declaring variables using let and const, using loops and conditionals to control flow, writing concise functions with arrow syntax, manipulating arrays and objects, and modularizing your code with import/export statements.

How to use NPM

  • Installing packages
  • Managing dependencies

Explanation: NPM (Node Package Manager) is used to manage libraries and packages in your projects. To install a package, you can use the command npm install package-name. Dependencies are listed in the package.json file and can be managed by updating, removing, or adding new packages using NPM commands.

npm install react

Run the above command to install React.

The First Steps

Understanding the base concepts of React apps is crucial. Start by creating a simple application, studying the folder structure, and grasping the concept of components. Your initial path should include:


Explanation: create-react-app is a command-line tool that sets up a new React project with a sensible default configuration. To create a new project, run:

npx create-react-app my-app

This command will create a new directory called my-app with all the necessary files and dependencies.

Hooks: useState & useEffect

Explanation: Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features in functional components. useState allows you to add state to a functional component, and useEffect lets you perform side effects in your components (such as fetching data or directly interacting with the DOM).


Explanation: Components are the building blocks of a React application. They can be functional or class-based.

Functional Components

Explanation: Functional components are simple JavaScript functions that return React elements. They are typically easier to write and understand than class components.

Props & State

Explanation: Props are used to pass data from one component to another. State is used to manage data that changes over time within a component.


Explanation: JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. It makes writing React components more intuitive.

Conditional Rendering

Explanation: Conditional rendering in React allows you to render different UI elements based on certain conditions. This can be done using JavaScript conditional statements within your JSX.

Lists & Keys

Explanation: Rendering lists of data is common in React. Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed, which optimizes rendering performance.

Events & Input Handling

Explanation: Managing user interactions and form inputs involves handling events such as clicks, form submissions, and input changes. React provides a way to handle these events within your components.

The React Ecosystem

Since React is a library and not a full-fledged framework, you will need to work with various other libraries to build complete applications. Here's the path to take:


Explanation: Routing in React allows you to navigate between different pages or views in your application. React Router is a popular library for handling client-side routing.

React Router

Explanation: React Router provides a way to manage routes and navigation in your React application. To use React Router, install it using NPM:

npm install react-router-dom

State Management

Explanation: Managing state in larger applications can become complex. React provides tools like the Context API and libraries like Redux to help manage state efficiently.

Context API

Explanation: The Context API allows you to share state across multiple components without prop drilling.


Explanation: Redux is a state management library for managing and centralizing application state. To use Redux, install it using NPM:

npm install redux react-redux


Explanation: There are various ways to style React components, including CSS-in-JS libraries and utility-first CSS frameworks.

Styled Components

Explanation: Styled Components is a library that allows you to write CSS in JavaScript. Install it using NPM:

npm install styled-components

Tailwind CSS

Explanation: Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs. To use Tailwind CSS in a React project, follow the installation guide on the official website.


Explanation: Making HTTP requests in React is essential for interacting with APIs. You can use the native Fetch API or libraries like Axios.

Using Fetch In React

Explanation: The Fetch API is a built-in JavaScript method for making HTTP requests. Example:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data));


Explanation: Axios is a popular HTTP client for making requests. Install it using NPM:

npm install axios


Explanation: Managing form state and validation is crucial in any web application.

Hook Form Handling

Explanation: Libraries like React Hook Form simplify form handling using hooks. Install it using NPM:

npm install react-hook-form


Explanation: Formik is a library for building and managing forms in React. Install it using NPM:

npm install formik

The Advanced Topics

Once you've mastered the basics, move on to learning these advanced topics:

Advanced Hooks

  • useRef: Accessing and manipulating DOM elements.
  • useMemo: Memoizing expensive calculations.
  • useCallback: Memoizing functions to optimize performance.


Explanation: Refs provide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements created in the render method.

Error Boundaries

Explanation: Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI.

Higher Order Components (HOCs)

Explanation: HOCs are functions that take a component and return a new component with added functionality.


Explanation: Continuously practice by building projects and adding them to your portfolio. Showcase your skills to impress potential employers or clients.

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