Steal these Useful APIs

Unlock Hidden Gems: Discover These Must-Have APIs for Game-Changing Projects and Innovations!



Steal these useful APIs as a developer..

What is an API?

API stands for application programming interface and is a way for two or more pieces of software to communicate.


Brainshop is an API where it helps you with a chatbot based on Al. You can integrate it into your app, the basic plan is free.

Currency converter:

Currency converter is an API which gets you the exchange rate which can be used in your app which is related to finance and requires currency conversion.

Random facts:

This is a cool API. It is really useful when the user is looking at a loading screen and you can display a fact while the screen is loading.

Flight API:

Flight API is used for tracking flights and comparing the price of different flights from multiple vendors..


Coin API is great when you need something to show the price of cryptocurrency on your app. from multiple decentralised exchanges.

Marvel comics:

You know about marvel. This API consists of 1000s of marvel comics data you can access. If you are marvel then you should try it.

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