JavaScript DOM Manipulation Cheat Sheet

JavaScript DOM Manipulation Cheat Sheet: Key methods for selecting, modifying, and interacting with web page elements.


JavaScript DOM Manipulation Cheatsheet!

Creating elements:

Use document.createElement(tagName) to create a new HTML element.

Removing elements:

Use element.remove() or parentElement.removeChild(element) to delete an element from the DOM.

Querying elements:

Use document.querySelector(selector) or document.querySelectorAll(selector) to find elements in the DOM.

Modify elements:

Use element.innerHTML or element.textContent to change the content of an element.

Modifying the class:

Use element.classList.add(className), element.classList.remove(className), or element.classList.toggle(className) to change an element's classes.

Modifying the text:

Use element.textContent to set or get the text content of an element.

Modifying the attribute in general:

Use element.setAttribute(name, value) or element.getAttribute(name) to set or get an element's attributes.

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