An intro to React Basics
With JSX, we can create HTML elements directly in JavaScript and integrate them into the DOM, eliminating the need for createElement and appendChild methods. JSX has the capability to change HTML tags into React elements.
React Components:
Components in React are like self-contained, reusable pieces of code. There are two kinds of components, known as Class and Function components. These components are like individual building blocks that can be used to construct an entire webpage or app.
React Props:
Props in React are like details given to self-contained pieces of code, similar to how you'd set characteristics in website elements. They're used in the same way you'd specify an attribute when creating a website element.
Handling Events:
In React, actions can be performed based on user interactions like clicking or moving the mouse. These interactions are referred to as events. These events are written slightly differently in React: they use a mix of lowercase and uppercase (camelCase), like onClick instead of onclick.
if Statement:
You can choose to show different parts of your app based on certain conditions. One way to do this is using an if.
Ternary Operator:
You can also use a ternary operator for conditional rendering of elements.
Logical && Operator:
You can also decide to show parts of your app based on certain conditions using something called the '&&' operator, similar to making a decision based on whether a condition is met.
In React, lists are displayed using a process that repeats for each item, often using JavaScript's map. Each item has a unique key to track changes, allowing only the changed item to be updated, not the whole list. Keys must be unique in their list, but can repeat in separate lists.
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